• 27/07/2024 00:13

Military analysts about the Russian Zircon missile: the combat mission is not changed

The Russian Zircon missile, which the occupiers launched across Kiev on 25 Bereznya, does not compromise combat missions . It is not possible to fly where it is installed.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine from a message sent to the ceramics laboratory of the military investigations of the Kiev Scientific and Investigative Institute of Ship Expertise (KNDISE) by Andriy Kulchytskyy. mentari “Suspilny”.

“The missile is assigned a combat mission. Everything is charged, all the characteristics are ‘super’, ‘hyper’ – that’s all there is to it, but it’s just a matter of time until the missile’s combat shutdown,” he said.

For in the words of the expert, “Zircon” is flying “in the wrong direction, it’s designing the wrong robot for which it was designed.” Kulchytsky added that the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense is capable of shooting down such missiles. Having said that, on one of the tracks of the enemy 25 Bereznya missile, it is clearly visible that it was hit by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system.

The analyst noted that the combat part of “Zircon” is about 40 kg of vibukhivka, it is still unknown what kind of substance it is. But the combat part is smaller than that of the X-101 and X-22 missiles.

What was the difference

Guess what, “Zircon” is a Russian hypersonic anti-ship missile, which was created to replace the important P-700 anti-ship missile, dismantled at 70-80 years of the last century.

The missile can be launched either from ships or from the ground-based Bastion complex. Also, the possibility of launching a Zircon from the underground missile complex of the coastal base “Ob'ekt-100” in Crimea has not been turned off.

As it turns out, the occupiers could have already attacked Ukraine with Zircons, between the 7th and 25th February . After the last attack, experts were able to glean more clues and track the missile more quickly.

About what is known about the Zircon missile and whether the Russians could effectively attack Kiev with it – read the material from RBC-U region.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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