• 27/07/2024 00:24

MZS of France about sending troops to Ukraine: it would be a serious compromise to turn off the discussions

French President Emmanuel Macron has demonstrated his determination to do more to help Ukraine from the Russian Federation. Not discussing the stagnation of French possibilities would be a serious mercy.

The Minister-Delegate for European Affairs in the Ministry of Health of France, Jean-Noël Barrault, stated this, informs RBC-Ukraine of the request to see the JDD.

“The struggle of the Ukrainians is also our struggle. They are fighting for the security of Europe and France, and the imperialist fantasies of Volodymyr Putin are clearly not limited to Ukraine,” said the minister-delegate .

Barro guessed about Macron's meeting with the leaders of the EU powers, in his words, demonstrated the unity and determination of these countries to work more, more briefly and in a different way to satisfy the needs of the Ukrainian support.

“It would be a serious mercy turn off the discussion of our possibilities. It would be malicious to succumb to the spirit of capitulation. Our firmness in the face of Putin’s denunciations is the guarantee of our security,” he said.

Macron and the sending of troops to Ukraine

A few days ago, after the war leaders of the EU powers, Macron did not turn on the forwarding NATO troops to help Ukraine. The main problem, in his words, lies in the fact that the daily consensus on good nutrition is in conflict.

Low NATO countries have already opposed this idea, Zokrema, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain and Italy ii.

However, there are countries that are ready to consider such a possibility, for example, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Canada, which is also a NATO member, stated that it is ready to send troops to Ukraine, or even for The beginning of Ukrainian fighters is far from the front

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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