• 26/07/2024 23:42

Russia has publicized the fake news that the army was being pushed out near Bakhmut, – ISW

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian Pevdenniy grouped sediments were buried Now Ivanivske at the entrance to Bakhmut. Analysts at the Institute for the Prevention of War have not found any visual evidence that would support this information.

RBC-Ukraine reports this in a letter to the Institute for the Prevention of War ( ISW).

It means that in the Donetsk region, positional battles are planned for a daylight approach from Bakhmut to Bogdanivka; on entry from Bakhmut from Chasiv Yar and between Ivanivskogo, as well as from today’s entry from Bakhmut from Klyshchyivka, Andriivka and New York.

Commander of one of the Ukrainian strike forces Lots of mouths have learned that the Russian troops are on the Gorlivsky direct placed their artillery systems at the maximum distance from the front line, trying to protect them from attacks by Ukrainian drones.

Vin added that such placement of artillery systems is more complicated The Ukrainian forces are launching attacks from a large distance. Also, according to this, the Russian army is installing decoy pastes for Ukrainian attack drones, placing them on fake equipment elements that will detonate when the drone approaches the target.

Commander Well, indicating that the Russian troops will lose their defense on Gorlivsky straight. Bilya Ivanivsky supported the 58th guards special forces battalion (1st AK “DPR”).

Situation at the front

I guess, on the 30th of February, the Russian occupiers shelled three places in Donetsk th region. As a result of hostile attacks, there were deaths and injuries.

The Russians began to add self-liquidators to the universal planning and correction modules (UMPC) of high-explosive bombs (FAB). This significantly complicates their activities.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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