• 26/07/2024 20:16

Russia sets a record for naphtha exports – Bloomberg

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This is reported by RBC-Ukraine as reported on Bloomberg.

The rapid increase in supplies of Russian crude oil Sokil from the island of Sakhalin on the Pacific coast was compensated by the rapid increase in the supply of ESPO oil from the port of Kozma other. Export volumes have moved up to the highest level in four months.

Thus, exports increased by about 365,000 barrels per day, reaching a level of 3.5 million, which is approximately 215,000 Barelov per day moves the whole show with the camp on the 5th leaf fall 2023.

This made it possible to compensate for the difficulties with Sokil naphtha, which arose due to the Indian naphtha refiners fighting American sanctions. Nazracensha 14 vantazhovs with a mileage of 10 million barels with a “Sokіl”, everything is known on the vessels.

wounded the wounded, three vasting “Falcon” was delivered to the indiy Bulka, and Kilka Inshi was redirected to China.

It seems that India has resumed imports of Russian Sokil oil after a two-month break. According to the data, the Indian company Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL.NS) purchased Sokil naphtha from a trader. It is clear that the country is paying for naphtha in UAE dirhams.

In addition, two naphtha tankers stopped operating on the shores of Greece within a few days after the US imposed new sanctions up to 14 Russian ships. According to Bloomberg data, the vessels NS Creation and Amursky Bay began transshipment of naphtha oils in Laconia Zatotsa on the day before Greece.

Terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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