• 26/07/2024 23:52

Syrsky: the number of positions returned by us exceeds the number of lost ones

The defenders not only hold the defense, but also advance.

Syrsky visited the fighters in the Avdeevsky direction.

The Ukrainian Army is not only on the defensive, but is also moving forward every day in different directions. The number of positions returned by the defenders exceeds the number lost, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky said in an interview with Ukrinform.

He acknowledged that the current situation is tense in some areas. the occupiers continue to increase their efforts and still have an advantage in personnel, using the tactics of massive assaults.

But the enemy does not have significant territorial achievements, says Syrsky.

“The enemy failed to make significant strategic advances directions, his territorial achievements, if they exist, are of tactical significance. We control this situation,” he said.

The Commander-in-Chief added that the experience of past months indicates a significant increase in aviation activity by the enemy and the use of guided bombs against positions. The occupiers do not stop artillery and mortar fire.

“A few days ago the enemy's advantage in terms of ammunition fired was about 6:1. But we have learned to fight not with the quantity of ammunition, but with the skill of using the weapons that we have,” – he believes.

  • During the winter of 2023-2024, the defense forces, after long battles, moved away from some settlements, the enemy had spent significant resources to capture them. In particular, they moved away from Avdeevka. Read more about the Avdeevka defense operation in the text by Viktor Kevlyuk.
  • In general, during the full-scale war, Ukraine managed to recapture more than half of the territory that the enemy captured after February 24, 2022. Ukraine’s offensive operation took place in the summer and fall of 2023. And although the president admitted that the ground offensive operation did not bring the expected successes, Ukraine still achieved significant achievements – it pushed the enemy in the Black Sea.


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