• 26/07/2024 23:08

Tariffs, pensions and subsidies: how to pay for change in the fiercest

Ukrainians will continue to pay subsidies for the burning season. Utility tariffs will no longer remain unchanged, charges for fees will result in threatening connections and fines. Increases in pensions are not planned in addition to individual allowances.

The report on those that will be related to housing and communal services tariffs, subsidies and pensions from 1 lute – in the material of RBC-Ukraine below.

When preparations were completedofficial statement of Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich, resolution to the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1405 dated April 29, 2023, statement of the YASNO company quarryman Sergei K Ovalenka on air for the telethon.


Part of tariffs for utility services for the population are under a moratorium due to the war. Prices for scorching, hot water and gas will remain unchanged. The Cabinet of Ministers will continue to act until the end of the war and another 6 months after the end of the war.

The availability of cold water supplies and energy supplies for household workers will not increase significantly until the end of the 2024 burning season.

  • Svitlo

From 1 June 2023, the electricity tariff increased by 70% and from that time became 2.64 UAH/kW-year. Vlasniks of double-zone doctors can save on the cost of light, even from 23:00 to 07:00 for them there is a “night tariff” – 1.32 UAH/KWh-year.

Premiere -Minister Denis Shmigal said that electricity tariffs for the population will be set until the end of April 2024.

  • Scorched and hot water

The availability of centralized heating and hot water services for the population has been “frozen” by the moratorium. In the regions, tariffs vary depending on the heat supply campaign, but they remain at pre-war levels.

In Kiev, you need to pay 1654.41 UAH per 1 Gcal for burning, in Lviv – 1363.44 UAH, in Cherkassy – 1130.21 UAH, in Dnipro – 1741.32 UAH.

The tariff for hot water in Kiev is 97.98 UAH/cubic meter, in Lviv – 95.26 UAH, in Kharkov – 93.22 UAH.

  • Gas

Tariffs for gas supply and distribution of gas will not change. The company NAK “Naftogaz”, whose clients include most of its partners, provides gas supply services at a fixed price of 7.96 UAH/cubic meter, which was established by the river tariff even before the start of the war.

Naftogaz seems to expect that gas prices in Ukraine will not increase by the end of the melting season, although an increase in gas prices in the coming year has been called inevitable.

  • Water

NKREKP planned to increase tariffs by an average of 30% in Ukraine, but the decision was canceled after criticism from the authorities.

The availability of cold water supply and water supply for the population is still being lost in the region, until 24 fierce 2022. You may be forced to work in the water supply system, which provides service.

Fines and exclusion of civil servants

Although the moratorium on tariffs in Ukraine will continue, the ban on the connection of residents and the reduction of fines for boarding have already been canceled. The Cabinet of Ministers praised the recent decisions towards the end of 2023.

Foto: turn on the light for the Borg (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Then Ukrainians will be threatened with fines or reduction of services due to failure to pay for gas, water, electricity.

For the presence of debts in the household and non-payment in the terms, provisions of the contract for the provision of services, company-postachal nickname In advance, we will inform you about the date of the planned termination of service.

Before the end, the energy supply manager YASNO will inform you in advance 10 days before the procedure.

“Є Two Tipi Pravzhenni Spozeli about fence: T-t-shitty, if they are namagos, cleanly vid SMS, vid to the viber chats, Zaminchi is a dzvinki to people, I have a borg, you have a caress, to pay” , – explained the company’s chief executive Sergey Kovalenko.

In his words, the first connections can begin as early as 29 years, with which the company “ranks” the fighters behind the sum of the borg and his glinina.

In order to avoid disconnection, once the great borg becomes evident, its restructuring can be arranged.


For the burning season 2023-2024, Ukrainian residents are provided with subsidies from the state to pay for utility bills. Additional assistance is considered because the amount of utility bills exceeds 15% of the total household income.

Significantly, subsidies for residents in the 2024 budget increased by 25%. Prime Minister Denis Shmigal stated that in this river the state budget has allocated 50 billion UAH for housing and communal services subsidies for 3 million Ukrainian families.

Photo: with the subsidy, utility bills will change (Vitaliy Nosach , RBC-Ukraine)

In addition, an experimental project of subsidies for providing the population with firewood and vugilla is continuing in Ukraine. The standards for the burning of residential premises for the burning season 2023-2024 were increased by an average of 4 times, and the limiting amount of the subsidy on solid soil for household burning on one household was 2.3 times and can now reach 16 234 UAH per river (previously 6,973 UAH).

You can apply for a subsidy in a number of ways: online on the website of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) or at the PFU office, on the portal “Diya” or the relevant bodies of the PFU especially.

“People who require support, receive housing and communal subsidies. The procedure is simplified as much as possible, the applicant submits a minimum of data, the Pension Fund collects the information”, – noting Denis Shmigal.


With the new rock in Ukraine, the subsistence minimum has been raised, which has affected the size of pensions. Therefore, the minimum pension increased to 2361 UAH (in 2023 the won was 2093 UAH).

However, the increased payments of Ukrainian pensioners can be withdrawn as early as 2024 due to rapid indexation. This norm is spelled out in the principal provisions of the law on the State Budget for 2024.

The district plans to carry out indexation from 1 birch, and data for expansion and size will become visible in the middle of the storm. As Oksana Zholnovich, a student at the Ministry of Social Policy, revealed, the coefficient of indexation lies between the level of inflation and the average salary for the former river.

Zholnovich guessed that Inflation and wages increased in 2023.

“Obviously, there will definitely be hundreds of dollars for which the pension will grow. Otherwise, we will be mothers in disarray until the middle of the year,” she said.< /p>

Photo: pensioners will be required to waive individual surcharges (facebook.com/decentralizationua)

In this manner, pensions will not be increased in any way. Additional payments may also be made on an individual basis.

Additional pension benefits after retirement:

  • up to 70 rubles – 300 UAH
  • from 75 rocks – 456 UAH
  • from 80 rocks – 570 UAH

In addition, additional payments can be made for excess length of service accrued after reaching the pension age, if the person continued to work. To re-arrange, you need to make a special contact with the PFU authorities.

It is clear that for 1 month in Ukraine you will not be entitled to pay any military liability. Upon completion of the 6-month term, the order will continue to provide additional assistance, as well as nuances.

Previously, the Ministry of Social Policy allocated funds for the payment of subsidies, social assistance and pensions in 2024 in Ukraine i.

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