• 26/07/2024 19:52

The CIA is secretly helping Ukraine fight Putin.” – The New York Times

Even before the full-scale war, the Ukrainians had proven themselves well before the Americans.

The CIA is secretly helping Ukraine fight Putin,


The partnership between Ukraine and Ukraine, whose intelligence services have long been considered completely compromised by Russia, is one of Washington's most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.

This is stated in an article by The New York Times.

Currently Since then, Ukraine, with the support of the CIA, has built a network of 12 forward operational intelligence bases along the Russian border and two bases where information from Russian communications is intercepted. From these bases, often located in underground bunkers, Russian broadcasts are monitored, and now kamikaze drones are also guided.

The Ukrainians also helped the Americans pursue Russian operatives who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

Around 2016, the CIA began training an elite Ukrainian paratrooper force known as Unit 2245, which captured Russian drones and communications equipment so that CIA technicians could reverse engineer them and break Moscow's encryption systems. (One of the unit's officers was Kirill Budanov, now a general in charge of Ukraine's military intelligence.) The CIA also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian intelligence officers operating in Russia, throughout Europe, Cuba and elsewhere. , where the Russian presence is large.

The publication notes that the US-Ukrainian intelligence relationship was so successful that the CIA wanted to replicate it with other European intelligence agencies that jointly focused on countering Russia. The head of the CIA department overseeing operations against Russia organized a secret meeting in The Hague. There, representatives of the CIA, British MI6, MID, the Dutch Service and other agencies agreed to begin pooling more of their intelligence on Russia.

The result was a secret coalition against Russia, and the Ukrainians were important participants in it.

  • Previously, CIA Director William J. Burns wrote an article in Foreign Affairs about the work of his department and the challenges for the United States. A significant part of it concerns Ukraine. LB.ua published a shortened version of the text.


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