• 26/07/2024 20:03

The EU will ban parties from receiving funding from Russia

The restriction should become part of the 14th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation.

The EU will ban parties from receiving funding from Russia

The European Commission advises EU member states to agree to a ban on Russian parties' money.

According to Bloomberg, they want to include this item in the 14th sanctions package from the European Union. The fight against the Kremlin’s financial influence on political forces is aimed at preventing Russian interference in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. It is expected that the greatest restrictions will affect right-wing forces, many of which have not hidden the use of funds from Russia.

The 14th package of sanctions also proposes to include a ban on four Russian propaganda media – Voice of Europe, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, RIA-Novosti and Izvestia.

Others points of the future document, which must be agreed upon by all 27 EU countries, include restrictions on mineral resources, a ban on the activities of transport organizations, although a quarter of which belong to the Russian Federation, prohibition of entry into ports of 11 ships working to enrich the Russian military economy, and a number of sanctions against Belarus for facilitating aggression .

  • The United States added almost 300 companies and individuals to the sanctions list.
  • The US Senate banned the import of Russian uranium.



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