• 26/07/2024 23:16

The guards found two dead people at Tisya's place

The guards found two bodies in Tisya. The stinks have died, apparently, weaving through the river.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine, sent to the Derzhprikordon service.

“The flooders were found yesterday evening in Transcarpathia during patrol hours of the Ukrainian-room Unskogo cordon”, – go in an informed manner.

The DSNS soldiers and the National Police were called to the rescue.

“Through the high thresholds and the strong flow of water, the body was drained from the water. Parasites of the dead are established” , – added the DPSU.

The situation with Tisi’s crossing

At the beginning of a large-scale invasion, there have already been 24 deaths of people who were trying to dam the river.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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