• 26/07/2024 19:39

The key to Krim's permission. The Taurus rockets are coming to Ukraine and Scholz is looking for supplies

Ukraine has been seeking deliveries of long-range Taurus missiles for several months. However, Germany argues under different drives, either fearing strikes on the territory of Russia, or declaring that the outbreak is due to the participation of the German military.

About those at what stage of the process, about the characteristics of the Taurus, in Where to lay down the transfer of missiles and chi In the future, our forces can or we can reject them, – from the material of RBC-Ukraine.

During the preparation of the material, the following sources were used: statements of Ukrainian and emerging leaders and officials, publications of Politico, profile portal The War Zone, information from the websites of MDBA and Saab, comments from Defense Express expert Valery Ryabikh.

  • Ukraine asks, Germany explains: what is the reason
  • What is known about the German Taurus missiles
  • Features of the Taurus and the specialties of the Storm Shadow
  • Now Taurus is needed for priority purposes if Ukraine rejects them

Ukraine asks, Germany explains: what is the reason

The story of the Taurus winged missiles may well be one of the most interesting. First, foreign partners are, in principle, reluctant to give far-reaching interests to Ukraine; otherwise, Germany itself is in no hurry to show leadership in the ongoing developments.

The food supply of the “Taurus” began to be discussed in the spring of 2023, since the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine issued an official request. From that hour, it seemed, we were getting as close as possible to a positive decision, and Berlin had not yet given the green light. The former Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius did not consider the need to fire missiles from a range of approximately 500 km and complained to the United States that it did not respect ATACMS transmissions. Although at that time the Ukrainian forces had already effectively blocked the British and French Storm Shadow/SCALP.

“This is a high-precision, long-range armor, without a chance for the enemy, which brings our victory closer. I would like to order from Storm Shadow and SCALP launch a German missile,” said the speaker of the Air Force Yuriy Ignat.

Photo: characteristics of the Taurus rocket (infographics RBC-Ukraine)

The transfer was allowed into the Bundesstaz, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz was able to modify the missiles so that the smell did not reach Russian territory. According to Spiegel, the pharmaceutical company was asked to integrate such an exchange. Ukraine called the battles ungrounded and asked Taurus to speed up the counterattack. In the spring, the head of the Bundestag Committee for Defense, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, stated that the Chancellor was against the Chancellor.

Pistorius predicted a final decision before the day, and Bild wrote that the Ukrainian military will required up to three months to fire up new missiles. The pressure on the Chancellor has grown from the side of other foreign partners, and the MBDA company has announced its readiness to renew its production.

Last year, the opposition in the Bundesstaz put Taurus deliveries to a vote, but the proposal failed. Instead, she praised the coalition project without directly mentioning the type of missiles, but with the formulation of “a long-range weapon for targeted strikes deep in the back of the Russian aggressor.” In the opinion of the people's deputy, the head of the defense committee for the sake of Yegor Chernev, it was actually about the “taurus”, since Germany does not have any other similar far-reaching goals.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that fatigue is transferred to the order, Now the United States may be able to unblock ATACMS missiles from a range of 300 km. Since then, Scholz has once again come out against the enemy, because he has somehow drawn Germany into the war.

“This is a very distant matter. And those that the English and the French need to work on in terms of target and related control, we cannot work out. Tse knows the skin who is on the right side of this system,” – stating VIN.

A representative of the British Ministry of Defense uttered his words and said that Storm Shadow is on the right of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Today it became known that Britain is privately engaging German partners. Ale Scholz is unpretentious and repeats that “with the wrong choice” the Taurus will hit targets in Moscow, and for its destruction the participation of the military from Germany is necessary.

What you know about the German Taurus missiles

TAURUS (Target Adaptive Unitary & Dispenser Robotic Ubiquity System – “Target Adaptive Unitary & Dispenser Robotic Universal System”) is an aviation missile of the surface-to-ground class. Designed for strikes against high-defense and low-lying targets without the nose entering the attack zone. It was developed and developed by the company Taurus Systems GmbH – a joint venture of the German concern MBDA and the Swedish Saab Bofors. The operators developed since 2005 are the UPS of Germany, Spain and New Korea.

The missile has combined guidance from three subsystems:

  • IBN (Image Based Navigation) – navigation based on the image

  • TRN (Terrain Reference Navigation) – navigation according to the terrain reference

  • MIL-GPS (Global Positioning System) – global positioning system

This allows rockets to fly over large distances without GPS support. High accuracy is ensured by an autonomous inertial guidance system, which adjusts in the field based on radar data and creates a landscape using a programmed map. At the terminal area, the infrared homing head is launched.

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Taurus is positioned as a family of modular missiles, which are equipped with warheads of various types and can be launched from land-based, sea-based and aircraft platforms.

Characteristics of the basic version of KEPD 350:

  • maximum range – over 500 km

  • trajectory – low-altitude flight at 30 m with the surrounding terrain

  • speed from 0.6 to 0.95 Mach (from 730 to 1200 km/year)

  • dovzhina – 5.1 m

  • krill swing – 2.06 m

  • masa (filled) – maizhe 1 ,4 t

  • fighting part – tandem concrete blasting machine MEPHISTO

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  • warhead weight – 481 kg

  • nose – combat aircraft Tornado, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen, F/A-18 and F-15K

  • Value of one unit is approximately 1.2 million dollars

  • < /ul>

    The Ukrainian expert of the Ukrainian specialized portal Defense Express, Valery Ryabikh, calls the Taurus one of the most far-reaching lethal weapons, as in Germany. Before they were taken out of production, the German UPS had taken 600 of these missiles.

    “Zvidi is, є pancakes, they have missiles in warehouses, that number in the timid station. Ale, I think, they could have been visible to the Ukrainian Schonaymensha without a rug for their backstatos”,-by attaching VIN at the commentary RBC-Ukrainian.

    As the Germans write, 150 to 300 missiles can be quickly prepared before transfer. The problem is that they initially need to be adapted to the combat aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. The final deliveries of the F-16 are not in doubt, since this large aircraft is not a standard Taurus.

    According to Taurus Systems CEO Joachim Knopf, integration with the Su-24 front-line bomber “will take a few months,” and crew training will take another 3-4. As indicated by The War Zone portal, some of the Ukrainian Su-24s have already been modified for the Storm Shadow/SCALP wiki.

    “The maximum effectiveness of the Storm Shadow itself is achieved with new integration into the lethal aircraft. The suspension of the Su-24 gives a similar result, but not as effective as with the Eurofighter and other standard aircraft. The same with the Tauru s,” adding Ryabikh.

    Features of Taurus and features of Storm Shadow

    Taurus and Storm Shadow, at first glance, show little difference. Offensive missiles are launched from aircraft platforms, hitting a distance of about 5 meters and approximately the same mass. The weapons have a range of approximately 500 km (the export version of the Storm Shadow is up to 290 km) and warheads weighing 450-480 kg.

    “The Taurus has a different warhead design – the MEPHISTO tandem concrete bomber, plus the ability to model the driver for a guaranteed attack on a specific object. And also more opportunities to counteract enemy anti-aircraft defense systems. And so, in principle, these are missiles of the same class,” explains the expert.

    The BROACH (Storm Shadow/SCALP) warhead system is equipped with a rich secondary fuel injection system (MAFIS), in which the delay between impact and detonation of the warhead itself is installed manually. This complicates the nature of folding objects, such as bridges. The fragments of the warhead first need to pierce the road surface, first reaching the bottom of the concrete support that supports the structure.

    < p dir="ltr">The MEPHISTO combat head solves this problem by programming an intelligent, multi-functional counter, which recognizes the balls of the material and is empty, and more effectively supports the rich balls or embeds them l.

    “One missile is equipped with a pydrivnik, it is sensitive to thoroughly, Zdatata Zavdati Skodi, Yaku Ranhe can reach the deposits of the two -bomb bombs,” Citri Politico doctors of the sciences of Fabina Hoffmann, a missile exert of the university. m >

    Another point is the locality mapping system, which allows the rocket to stay on a given course without GPS. According to the words of the senior scientific scientist of the European Union for the sake of international data Gustav Gressel, to launch Taurus more geodata is required than for Storm Shadow. It is expected that the process of starting may involve sending equipment from MBDA to Ukraine, and Olaf Scholz sees this as a driver for escalation. Also, Germany is turbocharged by the fact that as soon as a rocket lands in the hands of the Russians, the stink of its resistance will begin.

    “Or, even worse, the rocket can fall without bulging, and the Russians are reconstructing,” – said Gressel and added that the Taurus is specially developed to counter the systems of PPO “Pantsir” and S-400, this will become of particular interest for Russia.

    The Taurus is needed for priority purposes if Ukraine rejects them

    One of the arguments against transferring the Taurus is that they will not be able to change the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war. As the German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said, the plan is going to be difficult, and “decisions are not easy.”

    “I don’t think missiles will become a game changer. ATACMS, as they are transmitted by the USA, the range is 160 km, Taurus – 500 km, it’s a completely different system,” adding VIN.

    The head of the special headquarters of Ukraine at the Ministry of Defense of Germany, General Christian Freuding, said that it is more important that the Defense Forces take advantage of what is already toiling. In his words, the long-range system itself cannot ensure a turning point.

    Expert Valery Ryabikh says that Taurus and Storm Shadow are needed to prepare the upcoming battlefield, ahead of the deoccupation of Crimea. For the reduction of military facilities in the region, saving bases, military parts, etc.

    “With an unbroken eye you can see that they can be built on the ability to liberate the Crimea. And, also, on the ability to liberate all of our days. Because the key to the liberation of the flooded regions lies with the Kree Well, at the overworked logistics lines near the Krimu sector. There are great hopes for missiles,” says RBC-Ukraine.

    In other words, the Taurus concrete warhead is completely designed to protect the Crimean area.

    “An impact on concrete supports with great accuracy guarantees a high level of concentration, so that the occupiers will not be able to stand an hour for life” the day of the bridge. for which the Ukrainian side has the right to carry out the deoccupation of the city and the village,” said Ryabikh.

    However, for this Taurus it is necessary to restore it in combination with other armor. The expert expresses his respect for the recently published “instructions” as part of the review of the “Ukraine Battle Map” project. In order to reach it, before the main strike, launch the UAV to remove the PPO and hit them with ATACMS. Then the bridge supports may be attacked by German missiles, ATACMS and Sea Baby drones. For a successful operation, you will need 20-30 Taurus missiles, 20 ATACMS M5/M57E missiles, 10 ATACMS M39A1 missiles and 10-20 naval drones. Such a combination will lead to the collapse of the crossing and automobile bridge and the collapse of one or two places, which is directly opposed to the Russian forces in Crimea.

    “The acquisition of ballistic and winged missiles, unmanned lethal vehicles, and decoy missiles is a comprehensive task for the accurate control of an object,” he added.


    < p dir="ltr">There are many aspects associated with the transfer of Taurus, including political ones, but, according to Valery Ryabikh, Ukraine is still rejecting missiles after the minds are created for their stagnation. One of these minds is other far-reaching features.

    “It has its own logic. You can do everything you can and not achieve results. However, when planning an operation, it is necessary to develop the forces and skills necessary to achieve goals. a new counterattack without airstrikes, showing that it is against the laws of war “You won’t go,” he said.

    The F-16 and the US solution for long-range ATACMS are expected to appear in Ukraine. Taking away these missiles, in my opinion, can be used for the sake of the Taurus.

    “As the US only gives ATACMS at 300+ km, I think the Germans will not mind any day soon. The stink is simply not want to be initiators. If the world changes, and Berlin may learn to take responsibility for the security of Europe. That structure with US leadership on the continent, which was after the Other World War, The European countries may be able to adequately respond to the actions of the Russian aggressor, who has put the world under threat,” adding Ryabikh.

    Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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