• 26/07/2024 23:51

The main thing for Saturday, April 6: 50 military contacts, an attack on the Odessa region, the consequences of an attack on Kharkov

Battles in the Bakhmut and Novopavlovsk directions, 50 military clashes, enemy shelling, Zelensky’s meeting with the US Congress delegation. How will the 773rd day of a full-scale war be remembered?

shelling of the Donetsk region

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 50 military clashes occurred during the day.


According to the General Staff, the enemy launched 8 missile and 83 air strikes, carried out 37 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

In the Bakhmut direction, our soldiers repelled 10 attacks in the areas of Belogorovka settlements in the Lugansk region; Vyemka, Spornoe, Bogdanovka, Klishchievka of the Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to improve the tactical situation.

In the Novopavlovsk direction, the Defense Forces continue to contain the enemy in areas of settlements where the enemy 16 times tried to break through the defenses of our troops.

Aviation of the Defense Forces attacked 14 areas where personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated and 1 enemy anti-aircraft missile system. Read more about the operational situation as of 18:00 on April 6 in our news.

As of 14:20, according to the Kharkov Region Police Investigation Department, the number of deaths as a result of the night attack on Shevchenkovsky district of Kharkov increased to seven. The city was attacked from S-300. The gas station was completely destroyed, power lines were damaged.

It is known that the “martyr” ended up in a residential area. At least nine high-rise buildings, three dormitories, a number of administrative buildings, a store, a gas station, a service station and cars were damaged.

During the day, the Russian occupation army once again shelled Kharkov. According to preliminary data, one person was killed and another was injured. Previously, the Russians hit the city with a controlled aerial bomb.

In the Odessa region, the invaders carried out an attack using ballistics. They probably launched an Iskander-M missile at a utility facility. As a result of the strike, a civilian was killed, the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine reported.

“The enemy continues targeted ballistic strikes in southern Ukraine. After lunch, he sent a missile, probably Iskander-M, to the Odessa region “, noted the defenders.

The Russian army hit a public utility facility, equipment and the administrative building were damaged.

Today, April 6, three people were killed as a result of Russian shelling of the Kurakhovskaya and Maryinskaya communities of the Donetsk region. Two people were injured, informs the head of the Donetsk regional military administration, Vadim Filashkin.

He clarified that in Kurakhovka two were killed and one was wounded; in Krasnogorovka – one dead and one wounded. Both wounded were taken to the nearest hospital.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in the Chernihiv region held a meeting with a delegation of the US Congress, which included representatives of both American parties.

“I met with the delegation of the US Congress – both parties, both houses of Congress were represented. It is important that the partners see personally what is happening in Ukraine in our regions, which are shelled by Russian terrorists and have survived the Russian occupation. I met with congressmen yesterday in the Chernihiv region,” he wrote Zelensky in a telegram.

He noted that he informed his American partners about the situation on the front line, the priority needs of the Ukrainian army and the scale of the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia.

“He emphasized that it is vitally important that the US Congress make a decision on further support for our state, an appropriate package for protection from Russian terror and our further active actions. This is something that will definitely strengthen Ukraine and life in general,” Zelensky added.

President Vladimir Zelensky said that in the future it would be desirable for Ukraine to have 25 Patriot air defense systems or its analogues in order to completely protect the country's airspace from Russian attacks.

“I can say: to close Ukraine completely , for the future, it is desirable for Ukraine to have 25 Patriot systems with six to eight batteries in each. I never spoke about this. However, I don’t see any secrets here, because all our partners already know this very well. They even know the points where the corresponding systems should be located and act. Patriot system or analogues,” Zelensky said in an interview shown on Saturday during the telethon.

According to the president, this is a large number, but the territory of Ukraine is very large, given even regions where it does not fly or almost does not fly.”

More details – in the news. What else Vladimir Zelensky spoke about – on our website.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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