• 27/07/2024 03:24

The main thing for the night and morning of Friday, March 8: attack on Chuguev, 50 repelled assaults in the Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsky directions

Night air attack, 86 ​​military clashes, losses of occupiers, enemy shelling, Zelensky in Turkey, Biden's speech in Congress.

< img title ="The main thing for the night and morning of Friday, March 8: a strike on Chuguev, 50 repelled assaults on the Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsk directions" jpg" alt="The main thing for the night and morning of Friday, March 8: a strike on Chuguev, 50 repelled assaults on Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsky directions " />

The Russians struck Chuguev at night

On the night of March 8, the Russian army attacked the south and east of Ukraine, using one S-300 anti-aircraft guided missile, two Kh-59 guided aircraft missiles and 37 Shahed attack UAVs.

As reported by the Air Force , drones were launched from Balaklava in Crimea.

As a result of combat work, the air defense of Ukraine shot down 33 suicide bombers within the Kirovograd, Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev and Kharkov regions.

“Anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force, mobile fire groups and the Ukrainian Defense Forces, and electronic warfare equipment were involved in repelling the air attack,” the Air Force said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that 86 military clashes occurred during the day.

In total, the enemy launched four missile and 74 air strikes, and carried out 101 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian casualties and injuries. Multi-storey and private houses, as well as other civilian infrastructure, were destroyed and damaged.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 23 enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Berdich, Tonechko, Orlovka, Pervomaiskoye, Nevelskoye, Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsk direction, defense forces continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of Georgievka, Pobeda, Krasnohorivka, Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 27 times.

More details about the operational situation as of the morning of March 8 are in our news.

The General Staff also informs that during the day, Ukrainian defenders destroyed another 880 invaders, 25 enemy artillery systems, and 19 armored combat vehicles. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian army has lost about 422,310 personnel.

Other enemy losses are in the news.

In the city of Chuguev in the Kharkov region, seven people were injured as a result of an attack by the invaders. The Russians fired S300 missiles at the city center, the Office of the Prosecutor General reported.

Among the wounded are two children: born in 2006 and 2021, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. A nine-story residential building, a bus station, a hotel, shops, cars were damaged.

According to the head of the Kharkov Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov, seven civilians were injured: four men, a 41-year-old woman, a 16-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl. months.

Damage was caused to shops and a hotel near a nine-story residential building. About 13 cars were also hit.

President Vladimir Zelensky will visit Turkey today. He will meet with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The heads of state will discuss the Peace Formula, the organization of the Peace Summit, the safety of navigation in the Black Sea, global food stability and the release of Ukrainian prisoners and political prisoners they are holding.

“During the visit, special attention will be paid to joint projects in the defense-industrial sphere. Vladimir Zelensky will visit shipyards where the construction of corvettes for the Ukrainian Navy continues, and will meet with representatives of Turkish defense companies,” the Office of the President added in a statement.

< p>The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine on its Facebook page announced the decision of the IAEA to demand the immediate return of the Zaporozhye NPP to the control of Ukraine.

The Council of Heads of the Nuclear Energy Agency approved a resolution demanding that the Russian Federation withdraw all unauthorized personnel, including military personnel, from the plant. To ensure reliable and safe operation of the facility, it must be returned to the control of the Ukrainian competent authorities.

The Ukrainian delegation at the Rada meeting was headed by Energy Minister German Galushchenko. According to him, Russia openly demonstrates hostility towards the IAEA. “Safety must be restored to Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, because even a minor accident could stop the future development of nuclear energy in the world,” the official said. Mr. Galushchenko also thanked IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi for his efforts to resolve the situation with the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

As reported, Grossi himself recently traveled to Sochi to meet with Putin.

US President Joseph Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address to Congress.

Joe Biden began his address to Parliament with the words: “In January 1941, Franklin Roosevelt spoke here at an unprecedented time when the war was in Europe We, too, are now living in an unprecedented moment. My speech should wake up Congress and warn the American people. Freedom and democracy are under threat, here at home and overseas.”

“If anyone thinks Putin will stop in Ukraine, he is wrong. Ukraine will stop Putin. But Ukraine needs weapons. It does not ask to send troops. There are no American troops in Ukraine. It will continue to be so.”

What else did the US President say – in the news .The most complete picture of today will definitely be on our website.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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