• 27/07/2024 03:02

The main thing for Tuesday, January 16: attacks in the Limansky and Avdeevsky directions, shelling of Kharkov, Zelensky in Davos were repelled

Battles near Avdeevka, 85 military clashes, enemy shelling, the law on digitalization of the army. How will the 692nd day of a full-scale war be remembered?

The main thing for Tuesday, January 16: attacks in the Liman and Avdeevsk directions were repelled ></p>
<p>Today the Russians attacked Nikopol with artillery and drones. </p>
<p>The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 85 military clashes took place during the day.</p>
<p class=In general, the enemy carried out two missile and 13 air strikes, and carried out 32 attacks from rocket systems volley fire. troops and populated areas.

In the Liman direction, our defenders repelled 9 attacks by the invaders in the areas of Ternov, Yampolevka, Torskoye, Donetsk region and another 15 attacks near Makeevka, Belogorivka, Luhansk region and north of Grigorovka, Vesely, Donetsk region.

On Avdeevsky direction, Ukrainian defenders repulsed 15 attacks by Russians near Novobakhmutovka, Stepnoy, Avdeevka and another 15 attacks near Pervomaiskoye and Nevelskoye.

On the evening of January 16, the Russian occupation army launched strikes on Kharkov.

The mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, announced this. The information was also confirmed by the head of the Kharkov OVA, Oleg Sinegubov.

As Igor Terekhov subsequently reported, the Russians struck the city center, where there is not a single military infrastructure, but only residential buildings. The State Emergency Service is working at the arrival sites, there is information about the wounded.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted Law No. 10062, which provides for the automatic receipt of a combat participant’s certificate (UCD) and the creation of a unified electronic register of those liable for military service. in state registers for military registration and acquiring the status of a war veteran during martial law. By the second reading, unfortunately, the bill was significantly worsened by the amendments of the servants, which concerned excessive interference in the private life of those liable for military service,” said People’s Deputy Irina Gerashchenko.

According to her, the opposition factions managed to defeat certain odious amendments. The law still contains provisions for automatic receipt of UBI.

At the same time, the bill creates a single register of mobilized voters, linked to a single register of voters.

Previously LB.ua has already analyzed what the new law provides. Read more in the material “Digital UBD, registers and electronic account of those liable for military service: how will it work?”

In Davos, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Zelensky and Stoltenberg discussed the situation on the battlefield, the Office of the President of Ukraine reports. The President informed about the recent massive Russian shelling of Ukrainian cities and communities. The head of state noted the importance of further strengthening the Ukrainian air defense system.

The parties also discussed other defense needs of Ukraine. They noted the importance of signing a bilateral Security Cooperation Agreement between Ukraine and the UK within the framework of the G7 Joint Declaration adopted at the previous NATO summit in Vilnius.

Vladimir Zelensky and Jens Stoltenberg discussed preparations for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit Union in Washington. The head of state emphasized that Ukraine expects decisions that will bring its NATO membership closer.

On the sidelines of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky also took part in the meeting “Leaders of Big Business – Ukraine”.

The head of state informed the interlocutors about the country’s economic growth, which in 2023 year exceeded 5%, and about optimistic forecasts for GDP growth for the current year.

More information in the news.

Vladimir Zelensky spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The speech was dedicated to the fight against the Russian attack and the united efforts of countries to prevent a catastrophe.

The government amended Resolution No. 76 of January 27, 2023, which regulates the issue of reservation of military personnel during military action provisions on the reservation of employees of enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

According to the decision adopted, employees liable for military service of enterprises, institutions and organizations identified by the Ministry of Strategic Industries as critically important in the field of the military-industrial complex, reserved: regardless of military rank, age and military specialty; without restrictions on the number of military personnel subject to reservation.

More details in the news.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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