• 26/07/2024 23:07

The main thing for Wednesday, April 24: more than 60 repelled assaults in 4 directions, ATACMS in Ukraine, a new aid package from the United States

Battles in the Bakhmut and Liman directions, 84 military clashes, enemy shelling, “dirty” rains. How will the 791st day of a full-scale war be remembered?

The main thing for Wednesday, April 24: more than 60 repelled assaults on the US aid package

Consequences of shelling in the Kharkov region

US President Joe Biden signed a national security law providing for the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $61 billion.

He announced this at a briefing at the White House, reports Voice of America, which broadcast the address live. “It's a good day for America, it's a good day for Europeans, it's a good day for the world – and that matters,” Biden said. “In the next few hours, I will do everything to transfer documents to our relevant authorities so that missile systems and other weapons are sent to Ukraine. This will help not only Ukraine, but also European security,” the US President emphasized. Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 84 military clashes occurred during the day.

In total, the enemy launched 13 missile and 51 air strikes, and carried out 16 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian casualties. Multi-storey and private houses, as well as other infrastructure facilities, were destroyed and damaged.

In the Liman direction, the Defense Forces repelled 18 attacks in the areas of Serebryansky forestry, Nevsky, Lugansk region, Ternov and Torsky, Donetsk region. , Vyemka, Ivanovskoe, Kleshchievka, Donetsk region.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 15 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Ocheretino, Novokalinovo, Berdich and Netaylovo, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to oust our units from their occupied lines.

On In the Novopavlovsk direction, the Defense Forces continue to contain the enemy in the areas of the settlements of Krasnohorivka, Georgievka, Novomikhailovka, Urozhaynoe, Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defenses of our troops 16 times.

More about the operational situation 18:00 April 24 – in our news.

The United States of America secretly transferred ATACMS long-range missiles to Ukraine.

ATACMS arrived in our country earlier this month in accordance with the instructions of US President Joe Biden for the March aid package.

The number of missiles provided is unknown.

Reuters reported that Ukraine used ATACMS on the morning of April 17, attacking an airfield in Crimea, 165 km from the Ukrainian front line.

The US decision to provide such missiles to Kyiv was influenced by Russia's use of long-range ballistic missiles from the DPRK, as well as massive Russian attacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructure.

On April 24, the US Department of Defense announced significant new assistance Ukraine in the field of security.

The contents of the assistance were published on the Pentagon website.

This is the 56th package received by Kiev from the reserves of the US Department of Defense, worth billion dollars.

What was included in the package is in the news.

Today, April 24, “dirty” rains occurred in the Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions. The morning sky in the south of the country had an unusual yellow color. The State Emergency Service notes that “colored” precipitation is associated with the arrival of dust from the Sahara and does not pose a danger.

“Dust from the Sahara, which was observed the day before in Greece, reached Ukraine.. Long-term precipitation washes dust out of the atmosphere, as a result of which weather stations record colored (yellow shades) rain, which does not pose any threat,” the message says.

The State Emergency Service noted that 25- On April 26, dust will remain in the atmosphere over Ukraine. And on April 27, air flows will change, the air will clear after the rains. Rescuers advise dressing warmly and not forgetting umbrellas at home. The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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