• 26/07/2024 19:44

The order sent an electronic card to the cordon for passenger cars through “Diya”

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced changes to the experimental project “Electronic draft transfer” mud cordon.” In addition to vans and buses, there will be activity for passenger cars.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this in a message sent to the representative of the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, in Telegram.

From the decisions, the waters of cars cars can use the electronic card using the “Electronic card for the crossbar” system using the United State web portal of electronic services, zokrema, using the mobile app “Diya”.

What's so? e єCherga

Electronic Cherga for the Cross Cordon (єCherga) – this is an online armoring system for the Cross for the Cross Cordon. Becoming on February 27, 2024, єCherga is available for vintage cars and buses.

How єCherga works:

  • The carrier registers in the єCherga system and selects the checkpoint and the date of crossing.
  • The system reserves a seat through the airport at the appointed hour.
  • The carrier arrives at the checkpoint at the booking time to go through control without checking.

Checkpoints where available єCherga:

  • Krakiwiec – Korchova
  • Rava-Ruska -Grebenne
  • Ustylug – Zosin (for empty vans)
  • Shegini – Medica
  • Yagodin – Dorogusk (for empty vantages)
  • Yagodin – Dorogusk

What is “Diya”

“Diya” is a mobile app, a web portal and a brand digital power in Ukraine, developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Functions of “Activities”:

  • Saving digital documents: passport, water certificate, certificate of nationality, IP N ta inshi.
  • Removal of government services: registration of private entrepreneurs, childcare assistance, registration of subsidies and many others.
  • Payment of fines: for violating traffic rules, for untimely payment of utility services.
  • >

  • Voting in elections: online voting with the help of an electronic signature.
  • Voting to the authorities: submission of requests, money, propositions.

We will stand at the end of the fierce 2024:

  • Number of clients: over 20 million.
  • Number of available services: 72 on the portal and 9 in the mobile app.
  • Number of digital documents : 15.

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