• 26/07/2024 20:30

The SBU completed the investigation into the destruction of the Mriya aircraft

The former general director and head of the Antonov State Enterprise faces up to 15 years in prison.

The SBU has completed the investigation into the destruction of the

The Security Service unconditionally gathered the Antonov State Enterprise, whose actions led to the destruction of the AN-225 Mriya aircraft.

The SBU reports this.

< p>The Security Service of Ukraine has collected unconditional evidence from former officials of the Antonov state enterprise, General Director Sergei Bychkov and head of the aviation security unit Alexander Netesov.

Law enforcement officials reported that the actions of the officials “led to the temporary seizure of a strategically important airfield during the battles for Kyiv and the destruction” of the plane.

According to the investigation, before the full-scale Russian invasion, the defendants did not allow National Guard troops into the territory of the Gostomel airport to prepare for its defense.

For this purpose, in the period January-February 2022, officials ordered to block access Ukrainian military to the territory of the facility.

Investigators completed the pre-trial investigation and sent the indictment to the court.

The defendants are accused under Part 2 of Art. 27, part 2 art. 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. We are talking about obstructing the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. Currently, the defendants are in custody.

They face up to 15 years in prison.

  • The former director of the Antonov state enterprise received suspicion due to the destruction of the An-225 Mriya aircraft at Gostomel airport during the Russian invasion.
  • On February 27, 2022, Russian troops destroyed one of the largest Ukrainian-made aircraft in the world, the AN-225 Mriya. This happened at Gostomel airport, where the flagship of the Ukrainian aviation was undergoing repairs.
  • Previously, the ex-director of the Antonov State Enterprise was also notified of suspicion of obstructing the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and others military formations. for the protection and defense of the airfield (Part 2 of Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code). He is currently in custody without the possibility of bail.


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