• 26/07/2024 23:13

The United States announced a new aid package for Ukraine: what’s new

US President Joe Biden announced a new package of federal aid to Ukraine. Its size will be 1 billion dollars.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with messages on video from the White House and the press service to the Pentagon.

“Now America will send to Ukraine the help it gives us needed to fight further… I want to smash everything so that this package can be pushed through quickly,” the US President said.

According to Biden’s words, new American aid will be delivered to Ukraine within a few years.

“In the coming years, literally in just a few years, we will definitely send equipment for anti-aircraft defense, ammunition for artillery and rocket systems, and armored vehicles to Ukraine,” said the American president.

What’s new packages of additional assistance from the United States

As the Pentagon informed, the new package of military assistance from the United States has increased:

  • RIM-7 and AIM-9M missiles for anti-aircraft defense systems;
  • anti-aircraft missiles Stinger missiles;
  • rifleman's armor and additional ammunition for the rifleman's armor, including sets of 50 caliber for combating drones;
  • additional ammunition for HIMARS;
  • 155-mm artillery shells, including shells high explosive speech and reduction of emergency ammunition;
  • artillery shells of 105 mm caliber;
  • mortar shells of 60 mm caliber;
  • Bradley anti-personnel vehicles;
  • mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles (MRAP);
  • < li>rich wheeled transport vehicles of high mobility (HMMWV);

  • transport vehicles for material and technical support;
  • tactical vehicles for towing and transporting equipment;
  • titanks і TOW missiles;
  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems;
  • high-precision aircraft ammunition;
  • aerodrome-auxiliary equipment;
  • anti-armor mines;
  • Claymore anti-armor mines;
  • directive ammunition for clearing up codes;
  • adjust the night bath;
  • spare parts, field equipment, initial ammunition, technical service and other equipment.

The US Congress saw money to support Ukraine

Ahead, the US Senate supported a package of bills for aid to Ukraine neither, Israel, Taiwan nor national security food USA, previously praised by the US House of Representatives. The documents were initiated by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson.

This vote put a damper on the current tension until the cost of supporting Ukraine. Now the US spends more than 60 billion dollars on spending related to aid to Ukraine. Okrem, 49.9 billion dollars were transferred to the military funds, otherwise half of these funds will be lost in the United States and will be spent on replenishing American reserves.

Details about what the transfers to help Ukraine will be spent on – read in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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