• 26/07/2024 22:44

There was a large-scale fire, evacuation and deaths. What is known about the attack on a gas station in Kharkov

| ї attacks on Ukraine. The terrorist attack provoked a large-scale fire, which also led to the death of people.

Full details of the Russian attack on a gas station in Kharkov are in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

During the preparation of the material, the Telegram channels of the Insurgent Forces of Ukraine, the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov, the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration (OV A) Oleg Sinegubov and “Suspilne”, according to the Head Directorate of the State Service for Emergency Situations (DSNS) of the Kharkiv region , cards of current worries.

Massive attack on Ukraine

At the end of the 10th year of terrorism, 31 attack UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type stood against Ukraine. Vorog launching drones from:

  • Balaclava, Krim;
  • Misu Chauda, ​​Cream;
  • Kursk region, Russia.

The main directions of the strike are Odessa and Kharkiv region.

Before the attack, the following were captured:

  • anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • developed mobile firefighting groups of the Ukrainian Defense Forces and the Defense Forces of Ukraine;
  • signals of radio-electronic warfare.

During the hour of combat, the defense forces managed to capture 23 hostile drones between the Odessa and Kharkiv regions .

Attack on Kharkiv

The Kharkiv region was in a state of alarm from 21:24 to 23:17. At around 10:51 p.m., as reported by an RBC-Ukraine correspondent, two horns sounded in the administrative center.

In addition, the rebel forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) were ahead of the collapse of the “Shaheds” in the village of Kharkov.

Already a decade later, the head of the town, Igor Terekhov, announced terrorist attacks on the civil infrastructure of the administrative center.

As the later head of the Kharkiv OVA, Oleg Sinegubov, was captured near the Nemyshlyansky district of the city.

Strike on a gas station

After the first night, Terekhov received the first details of the Russian attack on the gas station. In his words, as a result of the spill of fire, a large-scale fire took place, which at that time consumed 14 private living quarters.

“At the scene of liquidation of the legacy of enemy attacks from the DSNS, 200 warriors and 38 pieces of equipment were working. From the living quarters of the private sector, 4 individuals were stolen, including 2 children and evacu 50 special cases have been reported. and others,” says the press service of the Head Directorate of the DSNS in the Kharkiv region.

Having added that the DSNS spivorobіtniki will continue to fight the fire and piss off possible victims. All types of utility services were working at the site.

Photo: Russians hit AZE in Kharkov (facebook.com/DSNSKHARKIV)

Prosecutor of the Kharkiv region Oleksandr Filchakov spoke about those who, as a result of the Russian attack on Kharkov, lost 40% of the body's waste to one of the civilians. The victim was hospitalized.

First victim of Russian attacks

Last night, the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported one person who died as a result of a terrorist attack on the administrative center.

Filchakov noted that the mock-ritual robots will continue, but warned that the number of victims may increase.

Likewise, a video of the aftermath of the Russian attack on Kharkov appeared later.

The number of dead has grown to seven, the middle of them children

As of 08:13, as we know from Sinegubov, we know about the death of 7 people, including three children:

  • 7 rocks;
  • 4 rocks;
  • nearly 6 months.

“In one of the private buildings, the bodies of 5 people were found, including 3 children. At another site, two more dead,” said the head of OVA,

He also added that after a large-scale fire burned out 15 living budinki . Elimination of inheritance is important, as soon as localized.

As the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko, the ritualists turned 25 budinki as the fire expanded.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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