• 26/07/2024 23:26

There were a bunch of vibukhs in Lugansk, – rosZMI

Russian media reported about the vibrations near the immediately occupied Lugansk. The local Telegram channels published the latest videos.

RBC-Ukraine reports this from a message sent to RIA Novinya and the Telegram channel “Lugansk Incident.”

“A number of vibukhs lulled in Lugansk, conveys correspondent of RIA Novosti,” according to familiar Russian propagandists.

“Lugansk Incident” writes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the area, and admits that “ATACMS missiles could have been damaged.”

Strike on Lugansk 13th quarter

I guess, on the 13th quarter the Ukrainian forces of the ZSU hit the machine-building plant near Lugansk, where there was a control point for the occupiers, with incoming SCALP and Storm Shadow missiles. The enemy's special warehouse and equipment would be liquidated.

ZMI published satellite images of the aftermath of the airstrike.

The Russian brigade commander Pavlo Kropotov also inherited the aftermath of the liquidated strike.

Terms and important information about the Russia is against the war Read about Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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