• 26/07/2024 23:00

Which infectious diseases cannot be mobilized: list

The Ministry of Defense has confirmed the list of ailments for which a person can be identified as services Among the classification of zocrema VIL, tuberculosis and hepatitis.

About those with some infectious diseases it is definitely not possible to mobilize, and in some cases the person is found to be temporarily inappropriate – wrote RBC-Ukraine, relying on Confidential order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.< /p> Intestinal infectious diseases, viral infections

Intestinal infectious diseases A00-A09 are included here; bacterial zoonoses A20-A28; other bacterial diseases A30-A49; spirochaetosis A68-A69; psittacosis A70; ricketsiosi A75-A79; viral infectious diseases of the central nervous system A80-A89; viral hemorrhagic fevers A90-A99, viral infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes B00-B09; other viral diseases B25-B34; protozoal diseases, helminthiasis, infestations B50-B89; presence of infectious diseases Z22; coronavirus disease U07.1-U07.2.


  • Point “A”. If an illness or illness is indicated that cannot be or should not be cured, then such a person is considered unacceptable until military service and is excluded from military service.
  • Point “B” – Other and the definition of the disease and its inheritance, the presence of an infectious disease sickness Such individuals are temporarily unattractive. Require treatment.


Article The list of illnesses includes respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed or not confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15-A16; tuberculosis of the nervous system A17; tuberculosis of other organs A18; miliary tuberculosis A19.


  • Point “A”. Active tuberculosis of the leg with visible mycobacteria and (or) for evidence of decomposition of legen tissue; active, progressive tuberculosis of other organs in post-legal localization is especially unacceptable for military service without exclusion from military service.
  • Point “B”. Active tuberculosis of the leg without the presence of mycobacteria and breakdown of leg tissue; post-legal tuberculosis during the main course of treatment. Such individuals are not eligible for military service with a review after 6 months.
  • Point “B”. Clinical tuberculosis. Particularly recognized as an attachment to service in military security units, TCC and SP, VVNZ, primary centers, warehouses (installations), medical departments, logistics departments, communications, operational security, defense.
  • Point “G”. Excessive changes after infection with tuberculosis in various localizations – added before service.

Infectious diseases that are transmitted by state routes

Under these concepts, we go about infectious diseases ailments that are transmitted by state route A50-A79 (syphilis, gonococcal infection, illnesses caused by chlamydia, trichomonas and mycoplasmas).


In case of a person suffering from syphilis, gonococcal infection, urogenital chlamydia, urogen Italian trichomoniasis, urogenital mycoplasmosis, it is recognized unattractive at the moment. Requires personal care.


The document contains information about all forms of chronic viral hepatitis B15-B19.


  • Point “A”. Severe forms of chronic viral hepatitis, which are important to treat and significantly disrupt the functions of organs and systems. Such individuals are not eligible for military service due to exclusion from military service.
  • Point “B”. Chronic viral hepatitis with severely impaired functions. Particularly recognized as an accessory before service in military security units, TCC and SP, VVNZ, primary centers, warehouses (installations), medical departments, logistics departments, communications, operational security, defense.
  • Point “B” . Illnesses due to chronic viral hepatitis with minor impairment of function or without impairment of function – applicable before service.


Ask about illness caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV B20-B2) 4, asymptomatic presence of VIL Z21.


  • Point “A”. Illness, moderated by IL (progressive), with immune decompensation. Such a person is not eligible for military service due to exclusion from military service
  • Point “B”. Illness, caused by VIL, with immune subcompensation. Such individuals are recognized as belonging to the military security units, TCC and SP, VVNZ, primary centers, warehouses (installations), medical departments, logistics departments, communications, operational security, funeral
  • Point “B” . Illness, suspected VIL (stable) or asymptomatic VIL, with immune compensation. Person – adjective before service.

Fungal infections of the skin, too

The most common cause of illness is the following: fungal infections and dermatophytes B35-B49.


  • Point “A”. Diseases for candidiasis, coccidoidosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidoidomycosis, sporotrichosis, chromomycosis and pheomycotic abscess, aspergillosis, cryptococosis, zygomycosis, mycetoma, dermatophytosis, onychomycosis and thymchas about the unattainable. Demand love
  • Point “B”. Become after acute, acute, chronic infectious and parasitic diseases or surgical treatment. The person is, at the moment, unattractive. Will require treatment, releases, and release of service obligations.

Mobilization in Ukraine

I guess that the 4th year in Ukraine is related to the status of “interchanged accessory” and surplus There are both “additional” and “non-additional” “.

Earlier we wrote that the Ministry of Defense had approved a new Dispatch of Diseases, which is based on the assessment of affiliation before service and the ordering of service between adjuncts. You can find a complete list of illnesses that occur during mobility here.

We also wrote that since the 18th of May in Ukraine a new law on mobilization is gaining momentum. Starting from this date, all citizens have 60 days to update their data.

For more details about what rules are already in effect and what will change with the new law, RBC-Ukraine wrote in solid materials.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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