• 26/07/2024 20:03

Zelensky fired the head of the State Security Department

This position has been held by Sergei Rud since 2019.

Zelensky fired the head of the State Security Department

Vladimir Zelensky

On May 9, President Vladimir Zelensky fired the head of the State Security Department of Ukraine.

website of the head of state.

“Dismiss Sergei Leonidovich Rudy from the post of head of the State Security Administration of Ukraine,” the document says.

Zelensky appointed Rudy to this post back in October 2019. Before that, Rud worked at the Institute of Civil Defense.

Who is Sergei Rud

  • Rud is a native of the Khmelnytsky region. He began his service as an officer in the special airmobile units of the Border Troops of Ukraine.
  • In 2002–2006, he served as an officer in the security units of the state authorities of Ukraine in the UGO.
  • Then there was military service as officers in the Department of Work with Personnel of the UGO, in senior positions at the Institute of State Security Administration of Ukraine at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, as well as in the Department of Personal Security of the UGO.
  • From May to October 2019 Rud was deputy head of the Security Service of the President of Ukraine UGO.


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