• 26/07/2024 23:27

Zelensky introducing the new head of the Foreign Intelligence Service and naming the main department

President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced the new head of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Combat General Oleg Ivashchenko was assigned to this posad.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this through a message sent to Zelensky on Facebook.

As the appointed head of the state, in the minds of the war the main goal of Ukraine is to find occupiers , and also emphasize connections with the world, close to the world, and not least with partners in Europe and Northern America. In the president’s opinion, Ukraine’s presence in the world may have a global status.

Zelensky also named the task for the new resident of the Foreign Intelligence Service:

  • First, according to the president, the presence of the Ukrainian intelligence through representation of the interests of the state;
  • another – presence in the countries, where there is an influx of the Putin system;
  • third – expanded presence in these countries, where there is competition between key global forces;
  • fourth – focusing on respect for documented material ів;< /li>
  • This is the non-public activity of foreign intelligence, especially, according to the president’s words, that there is an intelligence surveillance.

Change at the Foreign Intelligence Service

It seems that on the 26th of February it became known that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky had replaced the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Oleksandr Lytvynenko. Oleg Ivashchenko was appointed to this post.

In these cases, there is no information about Ivashchenko, except that he is a military general.

In his own way, Zelensky recognized the great head of modern development Litvinenko's hands on the secretary's landing RNBO. Wounded the landing of Olemi Olekii Danіlov.

about those about those, hto, Oleksandr Litvinenko – Matereal RBK -Ukrainian. channels RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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