A few days before the arrival of the New Year, the cost of cucumbers and tomatoes changed in our country, which Ukrainian housewives try to include in the menu even in the winter season, especially when it comes to holidays.
Photo – pexels.com
On how high demand affected the price of tomatoes and cucumbers on the eve of the winter holidays, writes NBN, citing monitoring of the Internet resource GoToShop.
For example, the cost of cucumbers in supermarkets starts from 39.9 hryvnia/kilogram in EKO-Market, and then the numbers only begin to grow: in Silpo—60 hryvnia/kilogram, in Ashana” – 79.8 hryvnia/kilogram, in “Novus” – 82.99 hryvnia/kilogram and in “Varus” – 89 hryvnia/kilogram (in the summer season the vegetable cost about 10 hryvnia/kilogram).
At the same time, the most inexpensive tomatoes will be offered in “Varus”—19.9 hryvnia/kilogram and 26.9 hryvnia/kilogram, depending on the variety. But in other large chain stores their cost is much higher: in Auchan – 69.9 hryvnia/kilogram, in Silpo – 74 hryvnia/kilogram and in EKO Market”—89.9 hryvnia/kilogram.
Previously, we wrote about what price pawnshops and banks of Ukraine will offer for 1 gram of gold at the end of the year.