• 26/07/2024 22:39

The expert explained why Navalny did not mention the war in Ukraine in his New Year’s address

Russian oppositionist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Alexei Navalny, in his New Year's address, avoided the topic of the war unleashed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The expert explained why the politician did not mention the aggression of his country.

The expert explained why Navalny did not mention the war in Ukraine in his New Year's address

Photo – ria.ru

Navalny, in his New Year's address, noted that for the third year in a row he has appeared in photographs with his family thanks to Photoshop and admitted that he really misses his loved ones. The politician also wished his supporters to continue to be good, honest people and become better people in 2024, NBN reports.

Labor market expert Sergei Marchenko, in the blog of the OBOZ.UA publication, analyzed the holiday message of the Russian oppositionist, explaining why he did not remember the crimes of the Russian Federation against the neighboring country.

The analyst recalled that, first of all, Navalny is a politician and he needs to gain the favor of his voters. Marchenko explained that if an oppositionist does not condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this means that his electorate likes the war and cannot go against it.

According to the expert, Navalny’s voters are not residents of the Russian hinterland, but the best people in the country are public activists, IT specialists, cultural and educated citizens.

And this electorate, for the most part, is not ready to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The analyst noted that these people do not seem to be very warlike, but they like that the “empire” is expanding its territory at the expense of the regions of our state.

Marchenko stated that for this reason the opposition politician is silent about the war like a fish , since this topic is out of time for him.

The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, did not focus on the so-called “SVO” in his New Year’s address. ISW analyzed the dictator's speech.


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