• 26/07/2024 22:33

They are not inferior to the Russian Federation even at gunpoint: Ukrainians under occupation massively ignore the collection of signatures in support of Putin

Residents of temporarily occupied regions massively ignore the collection of signatures by the occupiers for the fake elections of the Russian Federation. Ukrainians do not follow the enemy's lead even at gunpoint.

They are not inferior to the Russian Federation even at gunpoint: Ukrainians under occupation massively ignore the collection of signatures in support of Putin

Photo – prochepetsk.ru

As part of the so-called elections of the Russian Federation in temporarily occupied territories, Russians are collecting signatures in support of the “candidate”, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin. With such events, the occupiers seek to demonstrate “support” for the war criminal from local residents, NBN reports with reference to the Central Tax Service.

Signatures in the occupied regions are collected by “volunteers” who go door-to-door together with the Russian military. Despite all the efforts of the occupation “authorities”, they managed to collect no more than 5,000 signatures.

The CNS called on the Ukrainians under occupation to continue to ignore such initiatives of the Russians, not to participate in fake elections and not to open the door to the enemy’s henchmen.

Earlier, British intelligence commented on the Russian Federation’s preparations for pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine. The department explained how the occupiers intend to obtain the “correct” voting results.


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