Wholesale companies supplying agricultural products are already warning about insufficient volumes of high-quality potatoes due to spoilage of root crops due to prolonged rains during the harvest period – the cost of vegetables, on average, has already increased by 3.9 times, if make a comparison with January 2022.
Photo – pexels.com
About the fact that at the moment, selling prices for potatoes fluctuate in the range from 18 hryvnia to 20 hryvnia/kilogram, and this is caused not only by the above, but also by a reduction in the volume of offers from farmers. Mersky farms—most Ukrainian agricultural producers do not have the capacity to store “products” for a long time, writes NBN, citing the material from the EastFruit profile portal.
As it became known, all of the above factors are already in in the near future, will provoke an acceleration in the rate of increase in the price of potatoes, taking into account the “stuffing” of information regarding the likely shortage of quality vegetables in the domestic market of our country.
In particular, even now Ukrainian supermarkets offer potatoes at an “unreasonable” cost:
- in Metro — from 22.9 hryvnia/kilogram;
- in “Auchan” — from 23.1 hryvnia /kilogram;
- in MegaMarket — from 22.9 hryvnia/kilogram;
- in “Varus” — from 22.9 hryvnia /kilogram;
- in “Silpo” —from 22 hryvnia/kilogram.
Previously, we informed that from 2024- 2020, the cost of issuing travel documents and ID cards has increased in Ukraine.