According to preliminary calculations, this year the state will increase the size of pension payments to citizens by much smaller amounts than recorded in 2023.
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About the fact that pension benefits of elderly Ukrainians in March 2024 will increase only by a little more than 10 percent, instead of 19.7 percent, as was the case last year, writes NBN, citing information published in the Telegram channel of the head of the parliamentary committee responsible for financial issues, tax and customs policy, Daniil Getmantsev.
In particular, the current legislation provides for an algorithm for calculating the amount of indexation—50 percent of the inflation indicator in 2023 (12.9 percent according to data State Statistics Service) plus 50 percent of the average dynamics of wage growth observed over the last 3 years.
It should be noted that despite the fact that the percentage of increase in average wages should be calculated only in mid-February 2024, the head of the tax committee is already predicting that pensioners should better focus on the indexation rate within 13 percent, since “we managed to slow down inflation quite significantly.”
Earlier, we wrote about ;to whom among the pensioners of Ukraine the state guarantees additional payments of 300 hryvnia and free dentistry.