• 26/07/2024 23:09

In Ukraine they will reconsider the approach to labor relations and vacations: what the Ministry of Economy has prepared

ByJohn Newman

Feb 11, 2024

In the norms of the updated legislation, which are soon planned to be considered in the Cabinet of Ministers, it is planned to introduce the concept of home work, that is, Ukrainians working remotely or in their apartments/houses are guaranteed the establishment of a certain framework for the duration of the working day, but also that's not all.

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Ukraine will reconsider its approach to labor relations and vacation: what the Ministry of Economy has prepared

Photo – polygraf.net

About the fact that in our country, in accordance with the developed provisions of the amended Labor Code, vacation time will increase from 24 to 28 days, writes NBN, referring to the material of the Observer, which gained access to the document presented by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

In in particular, in addition to vacations, the law defines factors indicating acting labor relations, and only 3 signs are enough to consider a person employed. For example:

  • the hired person personally performs the work;
  • the work is controlled by the employer;
  • the specific scope of work is not specified, but it is constant ;
  • the person does not violate the internal labor regulations;
  • the employee is provided with the means of production;
  • salaries are systematically paid;
  • there is a work schedule ;
  • expenses associated with the performance of work are reimbursed.

Previously, we wrote about the most profitable specialties in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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