Today, Platon, Roman and Nikolay celebrate their name day. We will tell you about the meaning of these wonderful male names and also name the main prohibitions on November 18.
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Photo – Guilman/
On Monday, November 18, Roman, Platon and Nikolai have their angel day. A boy born today can choose one of these names, “NBN” reveals their meaning:
Roman (from ancient Greek “strong”, “robust”, “powerful”) has been focused on personal growth since his youth, devoting his whole life to achieving his goals, choosing not what he likes, but what has a good prospect.
This man knows how to get things done, he is a responsible worker and a good leader. He knows how to win over others, a welcome guest in companies. He values freedom. A woman in marriage will be behind him like behind a stone wall.
Plato (from ancient Greek “broad-shouldered”) has a strong, sometimes even tough character, he is uncompromising, considers his opinion to be the only correct one. Such a man is very hardworking and always keeps his word, is popular with women, an exemplary family man.
Nikolai (from ancient Greek “winner of nations”) is an unshakable person in his peace, his main features are endurance and self-control. For him, work is very important in life, as well as family, which he perceives as one of the criteria for assessing his academic performance.
On this day, it is forbidden to have fun, refuse to help those in need, throw away or re-gift children's toys, allow guests to wash dishes, go on a long journey, and also drink alcohol and eat meat.
Earlier, we revealed the meaning of the names Peter, Dmitry and Grigory.