• 22/02/2025 15:39

The United States can turn off Starlink in Ukraine due to the non-signing of a deal on minerals

ByJohn Newman

Feb 22, 2025

on February 21, President Vladimir Zelensky stated – the USA and Ukraine are completing the development of an agreement, but did not specify which sphere this document will relate to. Starlink in & nbsp; Ukraine due to non-signing a transaction by & nbsp; for the beneficial fossil “src =” https://baltimorechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/1d6792ea93128d2512f5a928f6abaf38.jpg “Alt =” US Starlink in & nbsp; Ukraine, due to the non-signing of the transaction on & nbsp; mineral “/>


as NBN informs & nbsp ; link on & nbsp; Exclusive material Reuters, American negotiators press on & nbsp; Kyiv, trying to get the opportunity to develop critical and advanced deposits of minerals in & nbsp; Ukraine.

as it became known to the unstable sources of Reuters, US representatives consider the introduction of restrictions on & nbsp; accessing Ukraine to the vital system of satellite Internet, provided by the SpaceX Starlink terminals owned by Ilon Mask.

in & nbsp; particular, the topic of Ukraine’s access prolongation to & nbsp; Starlink satellite network was discussed in & nbsp; Washington and & nbsp; Kyiv, after President Vladimir Zelensky refused & nbsp; signing the initial proposal of the head of the US Ministry of Finance Scott Immain.

In addition, the above issue was again raised in & nbsp; Thursday, 20 & nbsp; February, at the meeting; USA on & nbsp; the issues of the Russian-Ukrainian war of Keith Kellog and & nbsp; Zelensky: then Ukraine warned of & nbsp; the inevitability of interruption of the “satellite” services, if not & nbsp; an agreement on & nbsp; development of minerals [on & nbsp; 500 billion US dollars].

Earlier we & nbsp; we wrote about & nbsp; what Trump declared & nbsp; – Ukraine and & nbsp; the USA is close to & nbsp; concluding an agreement on & nbsp; useful fossil.


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