There is great concern in the US government today about how Ukraine's resistance to Russian aggression was and is being financed, and how resources are being channeled. This is connected with claims against the Biden administration, against the Democrats.
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Based on this, apparently, the Trump team decided to somehow make the current Ukrainian administration more responsible and more critical of it. At the same time, I think that this is also a step on the part of the Trump administration that will help reach an agreement and stop the war. Therefore, there are two factors at play here.
The first is responsibility for the allocated money. I would like to find someone who should have prevented the war, who could have stopped it earlier, and also to point out that the blame does not lie only with Russia in this case. Apparently, this is the position we are taking now. I personally do not defend it, but simply state that this is the position of this US administration.
Secondly, part of the blame for the war is placed on the US administration as well.
I would like to emphasize that there are three key points in this story. The first is to change the situation in order to end the conflict and find the “guilty” (abstractly speaking). The second is to assign responsibility for mistakes or some inappropriate behavior. The third point is that the United States is interested in the legitimacy of the governments of those countries that America supports. Therefore, elections are important because they show who people really want to see in power. The election factor also plays a role here. Sometimes, in order to end a conflict, they simply change the people in power. No, not because they are too guilty of something or did something very wrong (many can be criticized), but only because new faces are needed.
Americans have been talking about elections in Ukraine for a long time. There were delays because of the war, but now they will emphasize it and they are already doing so. The legitimacy of power is important for the US. When the legitimacy of the administration of a country is confirmed, it only makes this power even stronger.
As for the backlash against Trump, his statements, his actions. Our president is a classic example of how these backlashes work. The more the Democrats attacked Trump, the stronger he became. They created his strength themselves. It's like in winemaking: when grape bushes are under, let's say, stress, they produce better juice and grow better. In sports, tension also stimulates muscles, making a person stronger and more resilient. These factors are universal, they are also suitable for politicians.
It is important for Ukraine to maintain a balance in relations with the US: on the one hand, not to be completely submissive, on the other – to find opportunities for cooperation, to be effective and not to take everything personally. Elections only confirm the legitimacy of one or another government, eliminating doubts that may arise not only in Russia, but also in Europe regarding Ukraine.
If elections are held in Ukraine and the current President Zelensky is re-elected, then the question of his legitimacy disappears automatically. If he is not re-elected, then that is also normal, because any elections are a confirmation of the result, whatever it may be. This is one of the basic principles of democracy.
Much depends on how the war issue will be resolved. It is important to integrate into the negotiation process in time, to correctly build an ideology and positions, without entering into unnecessary conflicts. If this is not done, then Ukraine may find itself in a situation where it will participate in the negotiations to a lesser extent than it should. The situation, of course, is very dependent on America, and on Europe, and on Russia, with which the conflict continues. Therefore, it is important to do everything correctly, to show responsibility, and not to move on to personal conflicts.
I am sure that it is important for Ukraine to select the right team of negotiators. It should not be one person, but a small group of experienced people. It is necessary to designate who exactly will officially represent the interests of Ukraine, perhaps to involve experienced consultants, statesmen, diplomats. This is a very important point. Otherwise, the conflict can only escalate.
YURI VANETIK, lawyer, political strategist, member of the Board of Directors of the international human rights agency West Support, senior research fellow at Claremont Lincoln University (California, USA)