• 26/07/2024 23:44

An insider explained why flagship smartphones will soon have no more than 8/16 GB of RAM installed.

ByJohn Newman

Apr 23, 2024

In recent months, companies producing various “gadgets,” especially Android smartphones, have been forced to reduce the amount of “random access memory” (RAM) to 8/16 GB, abandoning 24 GB.

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Insider explained why in & nbsp; flagship smartphones will be installed soon not & nbsp; more than 8/16 & nbsp; GB & laquo; ;

Photo – novyny.live

About the fact that the key reason for such a reduction in RAM is a drop in demand on maximum values ​​of RAM and increasing prices for chips, that is device manufacturers are deliberately reducing the cost of smartphone production, writes NBN, citing the X-account of insider Digital Chat Station.

How it became It is known that Samsung and Micron, the main chip suppliers, intend to raise the cost of memory by up to 20 percent from the first quarter of 2024, thus making high volumes of RAM less attractive from a trade point of view. In addition, the above trend will affect not only NAND chips, but also DRAM standards such as DDR4/DDR5.

As a result, many smartphone manufacturers have already returned to integrating RAM capacity into ;16 GB in their flagship product lines, and in in certain situations, they offer even 8 GB within the same price sector.

Earlier, we wrote about what experts explained than completely shutting down the smartphone is more effective than simply rebooting.


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