• 27/07/2024 00:29

Daytime missile attack on the Kirovograd region on December 31: the OVA spoke about the consequences

In the last weeks of this month, the Russian invasion troops, apparently out of impotence, regularly carry out missile and drone attacks on civilian targets in various cities of our country, and New Year's Day was no exception for the “good Russians.”< /h2>

Photo – depositphotos.com

About the fact that in the middle of the day of this Sunday, December 31st, in the city of Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovograd region, several explosions, air defense means and forces effectively worked against enemy missiles, writes NBN, referring to information published in the Telegram channel of the head of the local OVA, Andrei Raikovich.

According to  Raikovich, the Kirovograd region once again found itself under enemy fire, however, thanks to the effective actions of the defenders of the Ukrainian sky, too significant negative consequences were not recorded. Only in the Kropyvnytskyi region, due to falling fragments of an enemy missile, a power line and a granary building were damaged.

In addition, in accordance with preliminary information, there were no casualties among the civilian population.< /p>

We previously wrote about the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine published photographic evidence of the war crimes of the occupiers committed in Kharkov on December 30.


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