• 26/07/2024 23:26

Duda named the reasons for the deployment of NATO nuclear weapons on Polish territory

ByJohn Newman

Apr 22, 2024

Polish leader Andrzej Duda announced Warsaw’s readiness to place nuclear weapons on Polish territory. The head of state named two reasons for this decision of the Polish leadership.

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Duda named reasons for the deployment of NATO nuclear weapons on Polish territory

Photo – president.gov .ua

In an interview with Fakt, the head of Poland said that the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of his state is the subject of dialogue between Warsaw and Washington. In particular, the Polish authorities informed the United States of their readiness to take such a step, NBN reports.

According to the Polish leader, Warsaw was prompted to do this by the militarization of the Koenigsberg region by the Russians, as well as by the Kremlin moving its nuclear weapons to the territory of the Republic Belarus.

Duda recalled that his country is a member of the North Atlantic Alliance and has obligations to the bloc in the field of defense. Therefore, if NATO allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of its state to strengthen the eastern flank of the organization, Warsaw is ready for such a step.

Recall that in an interview with propagandist Dmitry Kiselev, Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with a nuclear strike . French President Emmanuel Macron commented on the Kremlin head's statements and gave him advice.


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