• 26/07/2024 20:49

In which regional centers of the country spend the most money on the defense sector – research data

ByJohn Newman

Mar 15, 2024

Not so long ago, according to opinion poll data, it became known that 92 percent of Ukrainians are ready to continue to “donate” to the Armed Forces of Ukraine privately, and now information has appeared about almost similar “charity” of officials.

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Which regional centers of the country spend the most money on the defense sector - research data

Photo – novyny.live

About ;what deductions from local budgets the regional centers and the capital made for the needs of the Defense Forces in 2023, writes NBN, referring to the infographics posted on the official page of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine.

As it became known, the total spending of administrative centers on the defense sector amounted to 19.5 billion hryvnia, and Kiev, predictably, took the first place – last year, the capital financially supported Defense Forces fighters for about 9 billion hryvnia, that is, almost as much as other “megacities” together.

In addition, Zhytomyr, which sent 1.3 billion hryvnia to the defenders, was included in the top 3 ratings, and Odessa—about 1, 1 billion UAH. In general, the complete list of record holders is as follows:

Which regional centers of the country spend the most money on the defense sector – research data

Photo — cvu.org.ua

Previously, our news portal informed about how often citizens of our country “donate” to the needs of the Ukrainian army.


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