• 26/07/2024 23:52

ISW exposed Putin's plans for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

ByJohn Newman

Feb 2, 2024

Not so long ago, the Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with a circle of his trusted representatives, as part of the election campaign, made a predictable statement – the “second army of the world” should push back “the entire line of combat”, creating a “demilitarized “a zone to prevent attacks by our country's Defense Forces with long-range weapons, but, as it turned out, this is not all the war criminal's plans.

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ISW exposed Putin's plans for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Photo – ukrinform.ua

The fact that Putin wants to assimilate all temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, having already made plans for the next few years, and this indicates about the long-term intentions of the Russian dictator, writes NBN, citing the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

In particular, Putin stated that the Kremlin plans for the temporarily occupied territories of our country to be transferred to one administrative level with the Russian Federation in some “key areas”, maximum until 2030. Such a “message” from the Kremlin tyrant indicates that the terrorist state has begun to implement long-term projects that do not provide for any territorial concessions for Ukraine.

In addition to everything described above, Putin called on Russian financial institutions not to be afraid of sanctions restrictions with on the part of Western countries, and to work more actively in the occupied regions of Ukraine, noting that the subjects of the Russian Federation have “established patronage networks with the occupied regions.”

Earlier, we wrote about what ISW told , with for what purpose the Russian Federation is inflating the idea of ​​“division” of Ukraine in neighboring countries.


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