• 27/07/2024 00:21

RosSMI and authorities confirmed a UAV strike on a refinery in the Volgograd region on May 12 (video)

ByJohn Newman

May 12, 2024

About 7 o’clock in the morning of this Sunday, May 12, the defense department of the aggressor country boasted that they had allegedly shot down all “unknown” attack drones (UAVs), including those aimed at the Volgograd region.

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Rossmedia and authorities confirmed a UAV strike on a refinery in the Volgograd region on May 12 (video)

Photo – topcor.ru

About the fact that this Sunday night, after 2 hours and 30 minutes, at the Volgograd Oil Refinery (ORP), as a result of the fall of a “downed” kamikaze drone, a “pop” was heard and a fire broke out, writes “NBN” , referring to the explanation of the local governor Andrei Bocharov, posted in the Telegram channel of the Russian propaganda agency RIA-Novosti.

According to Bocharov, no casualties were recorded, and the fire was extinguished in time. However, the Russian information resource SHOT reported slightly different information – a series of loud explosions thundered in the vicinity of the oil refinery located in the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd, after the characteristic sound of a kamikaze drone flying.

It should be noted that the Russian the authorities claimed to suppress “enemy” drones using electronic warfare, but in the end, the drone strike turned out to be very effective.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that British intelligence revealed the reasons for the frequent “convergence” of aerial bombs over territory RF.


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