• 26/07/2024 22:53

Shmygal named measures that will allow Ukraine to strengthen the protection of the energy system from Russian attacks

ByJohn Newman

Apr 14, 2024

In recent weeks, the Russian occupation army has intensified missile and drone attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, disabling or destroying a number of power generation facilities.

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Photo – screenshot of FB video.

About the fact that the power plants of our country are planning to protect them from shelling ;The Russian Federation will not only use electronic warfare, but also will introduce certain innovations in its approach to defense, writes NBN, referring to the official Telegram channel of Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

By  According to Shmygal, the government intends to prevent “blackouts” in Ukraine by:

  • operational repairs, including the complete restoration of generation and distribution facilities;
  • decentralization of the energy system, which will minimize its vulnerability and add reliability (at least 120 small cogeneration units have been purchased);
  • expanding air defense capabilities – electronic warfare equipment will be purchased specifically for critical infrastructure facilities or supplier companies that need it.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that Centrenergo commented on rumors about receiving almost 10 billion hryvnia for the protection of Trypillya Thermal Power Plant.


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