• 26/07/2024 23:35

Social support for displaced people: the Rada announced the continuation of some payments until the end of the war

In accordance with amendments to the current legislation that entered into force in 2023, internally displaced persons (IDPs) who received assistance before August 1 of this year will have their payments extended until January 31, 2024 year, but no more.

Social support for displaced people: the Rada announced the continuation of some payments until the end of the war

Photo – unian.net

NBN writes about the fact that parliamentarians intend to extend the provision of certain types of assistance to IDPs until the end of the war with the Russian Federation, citing a statement by a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Human Rights, Deoccupation and Reintegration of Ukraine, National Minorities and Interethnic relations between Maxim Tkachenko, published in the Telegram channel “Rada TV Channel”.

According to Tkachenko, people’s deputies are now working on a bill aimed at prolonging the provision of guaranteed compensation for housing until the end of martial law for all IDPs, contrary to the previous decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, from February 1, 2024, to reduce the number of internally displaced persons who received such state assistance by almost 15 times.

The People's Deputy from the Servant of the People emphasized&nbsp ;— it is impossible to take away the above-described payments, since new housing has not been provided to the displaced.

Earlier, we wrote that Getmantsev said what would happen to social payments if Ukraine did not receive financial assistance in in the near future.


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