• 27/07/2024 04:39

The 3rd Specialized Brigade reported on the situation near Avdeevka: how the occupiers’ tactics differ from those in Bakhmut

ByJohn Newman

Feb 23, 2024

Press officer of the 3rd separate assault brigade Alexander Borodin reported on the progress of the fighting in the Avdeevka area of ​​the Donetsk region. He told how the tactics of the assaults of the Russian Armed Forces on this sector of the front differ from those in Bakhmut.

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The 3rd OshBr reported on the situation near Avdievka: how the tactics differ occupiers from the one that was in Bakhmut

Photo – t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official

On the air of the national telethon, a representative of the 3rd Special Brigade reported that Russian occupation forces are constantly carrying out assaults near Avdeevka. The invaders parachute from the equipment and try to get as close as possible to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but are not successful, NBN reports.

According to Borodin, during the battles for Bakhmut, Putin’s army greatly saved equipment and tried to block it by blocking account of the occupiers-prisoners. Now in the Avdeevka area, the “liberators” are sparing neither manpower nor equipment, despite heavy losses.

The press officer noted that the Defense Forces feel the importance of these assaults, apparently for the political power of the Russian Federation. Also, the invaders are intensively using artillery and FPV drones, while there are fewer attacks by KABs, pilots of the “second army of the world” fear the destruction of their aircraft.

The representative of the 3rd Brigade added that in the Avdeevsky direction, mainly linemen are fighting brigades that are fairly well equipped and have fire support. Previously, the Russian Federation massively threw prisoners and conscripts into battle. At the same time, the attitude of the command of Putin’s troops towards the soldiers has not changed; they send one group and after its destruction they send the next.

Earlier, the Tavriya OSGV told about the progress of the battles near Avdeevka and Maryinka.


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