• 27/07/2024 04:34

The Air Force assessed the potential of Russian aviation after replacing the destroyed A-50s with outdated analogues

ByJohn Newman

Apr 8, 2024

During February, over the Sea of ​​Azov, the Ukrainian Defense Forces shot down 2 A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft, which somewhat limited the capabilities of Putin’s army.

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 The Air Force assessed the potential of Russian aviation after replacing the destroyed A-50s with outdated analogues

Photo – 24tv.ua

About what the Russian Federation will gain from taking the remaining A-50 aircraft into the sky, and how long their restoration can last, NBN writes, referring to the explanation of the Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Ilya Yevlash, which was aired telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Yevlash, Ukraine managed to “land” a small part of the A-50 aircraft, of which the Russian Federation still has at least 7, at this stage undergoing modernization. In in particular, the Russian Aerospace Forces had only 2 converted aircraft, which we were destroyed.

The Air Force speaker added – the Russian Federation has the potential to restore analogues, but the question is how quickly the Russians will be able to prepare them, since many components and parts that are required for installation in the A-50 are simply are not produced in the aggressor country.

In addition, the remains of these aircraft are quite old, and using them for their intended purpose is practically useless, for example, due to the bulky ancient computers that take up a very large space on board the A-50, and not having the modern functionality that they are required to perform, that is, the potential of Russian aviation in the detection and coordination of actions has been partially reduced.

In addition to all of the above , there is a need for training qualified flight personnel who could effectively carry out assigned tasks.

Earlier we wrote that Gumenyuk explained how the Russian Federation “highlights” targets for missile attacks on  Ukraine instead of the liquidated A-50.


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