• 26/07/2024 20:58

The German government showed what was sent to Ukraine in a new batch of military aid

ByJohn Newman

Apr 10, 2024

Late last month, Germany revised its next military aid package for Ukraine to include more than just ammunition or UAVs.

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The German government showed what was sent to Ukraine in a new batch of military aid

Photo – zn.ua

About the fact that today, April 10, our country received a new cargo with German military aid , writes NBN, referring to the official page of the German federal government.

As it became known, the Defense Forces will soon be able to use:

  • one tracked special all-terrain vehicle Warthog;
  • 6 000 pieces of 155 mm ammunition;
  • 16 VECTOR reconnaissance UAVs plus spare parts for them;
  • 30 RQ-35 reconnaissance UAVs  HEIDRUN;
  • 30 frequency range amplifiers for anti UAVs;
  • two mine clearance tanks WISENT-1 plus spare parts for it;
  • 11&nbsp ;remote-controlled protected mobile complexes for mine clearance;
  • three mine trawls;
  • 70 thermal imagers;
  • 24 outboard engines;
  • 1 million small arms ammunition;
  • 680 MK-556 assault rifles;
  • 50 HLR-338 high-precision rifles plus BK for 60 000 cartridges;
  • 105 CR-308 rifles.

We previously wrote about how Zelensky explained why Scholz refuses to provide long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine.


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