• 27/07/2024 00:37

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense named the condition under which they will help Ukraine return those liable for military service home

ByJohn Newman

Apr 25, 2024

Not so long ago, Warsaw announced its readiness to facilitate the return of Ukrainian men of “mobilization age” (18-60 years), taking into account Kiev’s introduction of restrictions in the provision of consular services for this category of persons located outside their country.

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В  The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense has named the condition under which they will help Ukraine return those liable for military service home

Photo – zn.ua

About the fact that Vilnius intends offer identical help to Kyiv, but there is one nuance that will allow this process to be postponed indefinitely, writes NBN, citing a statement by the head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Laurynas Kasciunas, published by Delfi.

According to Kasciunas, Vilnius will still take a pause to consider such assistance to Ukraine. However, despite the fact that Lithuania has not yet moved on to direct consideration of specific measures regarding Ukrainians liable for military service, the relevant Lithuanian structures are closely monitoring how Poland resolves this issue.

However, for now it’s time to say One thing is possible – in Lithuania no one will immediately “collect” Ukrainian men and take them to their warring state, but this “layer” of people, apparently, will soon be limited in the calculation of social payments and the issuance of permits for work/documents —the entire range of solutions previously proposed by the “Polish side.”

The head of the Lithuanian defense department summarized:

So let's wait and see what option they [Poland] will offer, maybe it will be suitable for Lithuania.

Earlier we wrote about that in  ;The Ministry of Defense answered whether the TCC/SP will work and serve subpoenas to Ukrainians abroad.


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