• 26/07/2024 19:52

The Ministry of Defense answered whether the TCC will work and serve summonses to Ukrainians abroad

ByJohn Newman

Apr 25, 2024

Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Dmitry Lazutkin spoke about the work of territorial recruitment centers and the distribution of summons to citizens of our country of military age abroad.

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Photo – mil.gov.ua

The speaker of the defense department on Radio Liberty said that the TCC is abroad will not work, and issuing summonses to citizens of conscription age who are in other countries looks quite unrealistic, informs NBN.

Lazutkin recalled that after the new law on mobilization comes into force for conscript men age in our country and abroad must update military registration data within 60 days.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense emphasized that Ukrainians in other countries will be able to do this procedure through an electronic account, which should go live in June, or in diplomatic institutions.

The Speaker of the Ministry of Defense added that in electronic accounts citizens will not be able to go through the IVC, only update data on a change of residence, change in marital status, reservations, bookings, etc.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba commented on the refusal to provide consular services to Ukrainian men of military age abroad.


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