• 27/07/2024 00:23

The occupiers launched an air strike on Sumy: the OVA reported that the enemy had attacked

ByJohn Newman

Mar 26, 2024

On Tuesday, March 26, Russian occupation forces launched an air strike on Sumy. The regional military administration reported that the “second army of the world” attacked the city.

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The occupiers launched an air strike on Sumy: the OVA reported that the enemy attacked

Photo – wikimapia.org

At about 12:40 residents of Sumy heard explosions, at that time an air raid alert was declared in the region due to the activity of Russian aviation near the state border, reports NBN “.

Later, the press service of the regional military administration reported that the Russian invaders launched an air strike on Sumy. The planes of Putin's troops fired at the civilian infrastructure of the city.

The department noted that, according to preliminary information, there were no casualties as a result of the attack. All necessary services are working at the site of the attack, the consequences of the shelling are being clarified.

Recall that the commander of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Alexander Pavlyuk, spoke about air strikes by the troops of the aggressor country in the Sumy region. The military leader said that he would help protect the region from Russian terror with KABs.


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