• 27/07/2024 02:59

The OVA and the State Emergency Service reported on the consequences of the morning strike by “Shaheds” on Nikolaev (photo)

ByJohn Newman

Apr 28, 2024

Early Sunday morning, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informed that the Geranium-2/Shahedov group was moving in the direction of Mykolaiv region, and, despite the fact that most of the UAV was shot down, destruction as a result of the attack was recorded in the regional center RF.

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The OVA and the State Emergency Service reported on the consequences of the morning strike by the Shaheds on Nikolaev (photo)

Photo – t.me/dsns_telegram

About the fact that on the morning of this weekend, April 28, the Russian occupation army again struck Nikolaev with kamikaze drones, as a result of which a number of civilian and critical infrastructure facilities were partially destroyed, writes NBN, citing Facebook. -profile of the local regional military administration (OVA) and the Telegram channel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

As it became known, the building of one of the hotels was severely damaged, in which a fire occurred, which was later extinguished by the “emergency workers.”

Also, in another hotel complex located next to the first hotel, window spans and glass were broken, and parked cars were also damaged.

In addition to all of the above, a heat-generating infrastructure facility was damaged in Nikolaev, and the scale of the consequences is currently being clarified. Fortunately, there is no information about the victims.

Photo — t.me/dsns_telegram

The OVA and the State Emergency Service reported the consequences of the morning strike by the Shaheds on Nikolaev (photo)

Photo — t.me/dsns_telegram

The OVA and the State Emergency Service reported on the consequences of the morning strike by the Shaheds on Nikolaev (photo)

Photo — t.me/dsns_telegram

Earlier, we wrote about that Kozitsky reported details of the Russian strike on Lviv region on April 27 .


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