• 26/07/2024 23:22

The Russian Federation announced an attempt on Pasechnik’s life: they allegedly tried to poison the “head of the LPR”

ByJohn Newman

Feb 19, 2024

The mouthpieces of the Putin regime announced an assassination attempt on the “head of the LPR” Leonid Pasechnik. According to propagandists, they allegedly tried to poison a Kremlin protege in the temporarily occupied Luhansk region.

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Photo – ria.ru

On Monday, February 19, the Russian propaganda agency RIA Novosti wrote that they tried to eliminate the “head” of the so-called “Lugansk People’s Republic”, informs “NBN.”

Pseudo-journalists refer to the statement of the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the aggressor country, Igor Kirillov. The lieutenant general reported that on December 5 last year, a Kremlin protege in the temporarily occupied Lugansk region received severe poisoning with phenolic compounds.

The Kremlin's mouthpieces were accused of an attempt on Pasechnik's life by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to Russian propagandists, defenders allegedly use toxic compounds not only on the battlefield, but also to carry out terrorist attacks.

Recall that in early February, as a result of flying to a cafe in Lisichansk, Lugansk region, I went to “Kobzon’s concert.” Minister of Emergency Situations of the LPR.” The media reported details of the collaborator's liquidation.


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