• 26/07/2024 22:51

The TsPD commented on the statements of the Russian Federation about the creation of the “North” group for the occupation of Sumy and Kharkov

ByJohn Newman

Apr 24, 2024

The head of the Center for Combating Disinformation, Lieutenant Andrei Kovalenko, commented on Russian reports about the creation of the North group by the invaders for an attack on Kharkov and Sumy.

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Photo – reuters.com

Russian propagandists report that the invaders are creating a group of troops “North” for the occupation of Kharkov and Sumy. The head of the CPD said that such stories from Russians are intended to terrorize Ukrainians and incite panic, NBN reports.

The enemy claims that he intends to bring the North group to 46,000 invaders and 1,000 units of equipment. Kovalenko explained that such a number of personnel and weapons is not enough for offensive operations. According to him, the Russians will use these troops to pin down part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The lieutenant noted that the invaders need empty Sumy, Kharkov and Chernigov. Therefore, they are intensifying the campaign of “fear propaganda”, trying to force Ukrainians to leave these cities in order to capture them.

The head of the Center for Public Promotion added that the Russian Federation uses TikTok to spread disinformation, and then switches to the Viber and Telegram messenger channels.

Previously, the commander of the NSU, Alexander Pivnenko, assessed the possibility of capturing Kharkov.


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