• 27/07/2024 00:09

Ukrainians were warned about “digital” fraud: the National Securities Commission has expanded the list of dangerous sites

ByJohn Newman

Mar 29, 2024

Some projects on the Internet are created only for the purpose of “squeezing out” funds from careless citizens, by allegedly investing in various assets, but such activities are carried out without official permits.

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Ukrainians were warned about “digital” fraud: the National Securities Commission has expanded the list of dangerous sites

Photo – novyny.live

NBN writes about the fact that another batch of unreliable investment “digital adventurers” has been identified on the Internet, citing information released by the National Commission on Securities and the Stock Market.

In particular , due to the introduction of false information about licensed and “official” activities in countries with developed financial and stock markets, the “black list” of projects unsafe for investment was replenished:

  • Capital-Prof;
  • Crypto-Lloyds/Crypto-Lloyds-LTD;
  • Advanced-Mining;
  • DotBig;
  • IncCrypto;
  • xChief-Ltd;
  • ParadTrade;
  • RWB-Group;
  • Avalon-Technologies;
  • RoboForex;
  • Fondexx.

We previously wrote about the fact that Ukraine has strengthened measures to combat tax evaders.


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