• 26/07/2024 22:49

Wage indexation in Ukraine: how the real incomes of citizens will change from April

ByJohn Newman

Mar 21, 2024

In our country, with the advent of 2024, employers were again obliged to regularly “update” employee salaries, provided that the citizen’s salary does not exceed certain limits.

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Indexation of wages in Ukraine: how the real incomes of citizens will change from April

Photo – informator.ua

About  that one of the stages of indexation of the base salary falls on the period from April to May of the current year, and the average amount of increase will be less than 1,000 hryvnia, writes NBN, referring to the Law of the State Budget Ukraine for the 2024th year”, published on the official page of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In particular, next month in Ukraine they will carry out the process of recalculating the minimum wage, the so-called “minimum wage”: if Since January, such income has grown only by 400 hryvnia (up to 7 100 hryvnia), then already from April 1, such dynamics will “jump” by 900 hryvnia (up to 8 000 hryvnia).

Thus, in hourly terms, the increase in the “minimum wage” from April 1 will be from 42.6 hryvnia to 48 hryvnia.

However, it should Don’t hope too much for this “increase in income”—after paying taxes, Ukrainians will receive only 6 440 hryvnia in their hands.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that experts told us in which areas of activity specialists’ salaries are consistently increased.


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